In the chiropractic community, subluxation is a vertebra that has moved or is misaligned from its usual position. A variety of problems, from a slight slip or bump to a car accident or any severe trauma, can result in subluxations. A subluxated vertebra starts to put pressure on the surrounding tissues, including the nerves and blood vessels. There is a cost to this pressure. The natural routes that the brain’s messages must travel through in order to be completed correctly are disrupted by the subluxation.
The spine and other structures, like discs, can deteriorate over time if a subluxation is left untreated. As time passes, this deterioration gets harder to stop as the surrounding muscles, nerves, and bones start to conform to the altered shape. The human body is a wonderful machine. By making up for these changes in other areas, it will start to compensate. It gets harder and takes longer to go back to a nearly perfect posture the longer this goes on.
Spinal Degeneration
Degeneration Phase 1
When there is a slight loss of the usual balance and curvature of the spine, this is known as the initial stage of spinal degeneration. The spine’s supporting structures, including the nerves, discs, and joints, start to age more quickly and experience ongoing stress. Rarely are there any severe pains associated with this stage of the deterioration process. You have a strong possibility of recovering your usual self with the right care at this time.
Degeneration Phase 2
The second stage of spinal degeneration is characterized by disc constriction and possibly bone distortion. At this stage, your posture is frequently starting to deteriorate as well. There are often severe aches and pains connected as the spinal canal or space starts to narrow. At this point, fatigue and tension are increasingly prevalent. With the right care, there is a good prospect of improvement at this point.
Degeneration Phase 3
Due to the severity of the difficulties, there is significant physical and mental involvement in the third stage of spinal degeneration. Along with bone and disc deformation, there is probably injury to the nerves as well. At this moment, there would be a tremendous loss of height and energy. There may be some reversal.
Degeneration Phase 4
The majority of the damage, including scar tissue, nerve damage, and deformity, is permanent in the fourth stage of spinal degeneration. The condition is irreversible at this stage. The best course of action, in this case, is to manage pain and discomfort.