Meet Dr. Daiki Ishiyama

Dr. Daiki Ishiyama, DC

Board Certified NUCCA Doctor

Born in Tokyo, Japan. Dr. Daiki Ishiyama graduated Doctor of Chiropractic from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa in 2008. Dr. Ishiyama is one of the only 26 NUCCA board certified doctors worldwide specializing in identifying and correcting the structural displacement that impairs function of the brainstem and central nervous system, and an authority on the diagnosis and treatment of adults and children with headaches, musculoskeletal conditions, spinal disc syndrome, back and neck pain, auto or work related injuries, and other neurologically based conditions. He is a caring and highly educated doctor who can help you maximize your life and well being.

Feel free to ask any questions in English and Japanese.

For our patients in Asia, contact his Japan office.

North America


  • Upper Cervical Council Asia | President
  • Japne Blow Golf Association | Board of Directors
  • Kinetikos | Advisory Board


  • NUCCA 認定専門医 / 指導医 Board Certified NUCCA Doctor (アジア唯一 / 世界25名)
  • UCRF [上部頸椎リサーチファンド] 役員
  • ICA Council on Upper Cervical Care [ICA 上部頸椎ケアカウンシル] | アドバンスイメージ代表
  • パーマー大学 Doctor of Chiropractic 2008
  • カイロプラクティック医ライセンス [イリノイ州/カルフォルニア州/ハワイ州 ]
  • 米国理学療資格


  • Upper Cervical Council Asia [上部頸椎カウンシルアジア] | 代表
  • 日本ブローゴルフ協会 理事
  • Kinetikos アドバイザー